Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Today was my little boys BIG day!
He is now officially a school kid...

He is now part of the "Tiger Class" 
How awesome is that? :-)

I guess he will have fun.

Let's hope, that his enthusiasm will last the next 12 years

Sooo proud!

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012


Bin gerade auf den Blog-Zug aufgesprungen.
Bin gespannt um wie viel sich meine Besucherliste vergrößert :-)
Jump the Blog Train

Dienstag, 15. Mai 2012

PV-Branche im Umbruch / PV-branch on the verge for changes: Wohin geht dieReise der PV-Industrie?Die PV-Indust...

Der neue Blog von Andreas Wöll.
Lesens- und Lohnenswerte Infos zum Thema erneuerbare Energie.

PV-Branche im Umbruch / PV-branch on the verge for changes: Wohin geht dieReise der PV-Industrie?Die PV-Indust...: Wohin geht die Reise der PV-Industrie? Die PV-Industrie ist im Umbruch. Die Produktionskapazitäten wurden hochgeschraubt, da man von ...

Samstag, 24. März 2012


Kaum hat der Frühling auch kalendarisch eingesetzt, wird die Zeit auf Sommer vorgestellt.

Ich habe noch immer ein kleines Problem damit, das Milliarden Menschen dazu genötigt werden 2 mal im Jahr an der Uhr zu drehen.

Erst hin, dann wieder her.

Und mal ehrlich: wem hat die Einführung der Sommerzeit was gebracht? Also mir nichts!

Egal. Fügen wir uns also weiterhin gehorsam dem “Zeitdruck” und schrauben ein bisschen am analogen Rad der Zeit.`


Euch allen eine Gute Nacht und vergesst nicht heute Nacht um 2:00 aufzustehen…


Bis zum nächsten mal

Dienstag, 6. März 2012

Wenn Engel reisen - When Angles travell...

... scheint die Sonne
... the sun will shine.

Funny enough this was the case the day I left Hong Kong to fly back to Germany.
All week long it was cold, rainy and cloudy.
Temperatures below 15°C.
No sunlight...

Then I started packing my stuff again and the weather improved a lot.

No, I do not want to start guessing what the reason for this is, but the last time I left Hong Kong I barely made it before the nearing Typhoon closed down the airport.

Any how.

I am back in Germany now and I enjoy the time I have with my family.

Here are a few impressions from my last visit in Hong Kong.

The first night I took my colleagues to a typical Chinese restaurant (can't remember the name though)

It was very good, but I just can't get used to the fact, that they chop the food with all the bones still inside. :-)

After lunch the following day we took a stroll through the '"Wet Market" near Times Square on Bowrington Road.

Amazing :-)

Finally I had a little snack at Starbucks in Tung Chung where I made some last minute shopping...

One Stop Over in Istanbul, as I was flying with Turkish Airlines...
But that is a different story
Oh yes. there is a Starbucks too. 

Next stop will be Hannover again.

So stay putt. More to come

Freitag, 24. Februar 2012

Hong Kong again...

Yes, that's right.
I will return to Hong Kong.
My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon but this time it is only for a week.

Nonetheless I look forward to this trip.

Let's see if I remember how to get to the clients office in Wanchai :-)

Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012

So, back again

Sorry for not posting for so long.
I'm back in Germany again and busy in my next project which takes me to Hannover.

Although I do miss Hong Kong with it's pleasant weather and all the wonderful people I've meet there,
Nothing can cope with the time I can now spend with my family. :-)

We've spent a great time in the Austrian Alps just before Christmas and the kids learned to ski!
We were sooo lucky with the weather and snow...
Just look at the view on my wifes birthday

And Christmas at my parents place was very enjoyable...
Finally new years eve we had a nice party at a friends place. 
Delicious dinner with a chocolate fountain for desert... awesome!

I am very much looking forward to what 2012 has to offer...
All the best to you all