Mittwoch, 25. November 2009

Holiday half way over

1 Week is just not enough.
It started on Monday, and now it is Wednesday nite already.
OK, I hade a great afternoon with the kids. we went swimming in a nearby city pool, but only 2 more "working days" and my holiday is officialy over again.
Oh well, the next holiday is only 2 weeks away

See you there then

Donnerstag, 19. November 2009

Almost there...

It's Thursday and it feels like the last day in the week :-)
Tomorrow I will have a nice day at the office with all my colleagues, then I will go home and start my 1 week holiday.
Is about time. There is soooo much to do at home.

Have a good one too @all

Samstag, 14. November 2009


A new Friend of mine is a Toourist Guide in Cuzco - Peru

That is such an beautiful place! I have to go there with my family soon... Check it out and add him to your facebook too...

It's truly worth the visit....

Keller ausmisten

Endlich haben wir das Projekt "Keller" mal angegangen.
6 Kisten mit unnötigen Unterlagen entsorgt. Tonnen kleiner Kisten und Päckchen weggeschmissen. Die Papiertonne ist schon randvoll...

At last we started the project "Clear the basement"! At least 6 big boxes full of old an useless documents... GONE!
What a good feeling :-)

More to come tomorrow

Freitag, 13. November 2009

Immer wieder Freitags...

Es war eine lange Woche mit elend viel Arbeit...
Daher bin ich froh, dass es wieder Freitag ist und ich mehr Zeit mit meiner Familie verbringen kann.
Bin gespannt wie die nächste Woche sein wird.
Deadline für mein Konzept beim Kunden ist Donnerstag und bis dahin ist noch viel zu schreiben.


Have a great weekend everyone

Freitag, 6. November 2009

Friday again...

Time is flying sooo fast. By posting this I just realized that my last post was last Friday! OH MAN I need a vaccation soon :-)

Wish you all well and have a great weekend, because TGIF!