Proud Father of 2 wonderful kids, SAP Consultant for CML, FAM and TRM, traveling the world business wise, helping others with Coaching and Mentorings in their business where needed
It is 7am and I am on my way to my massage due to my back problems. Where oh where is the sun? Would have been much easier to rise at this early time with a little sunshine on my face...
Today is the day where I will hit the ball again.
Has been some weeks now.
But my colleague gave in and accepted my invitation for a little squash battle.
Let's see how that will end. He is a tennis player, so I expect at least some feeling for a raquet and a ball... :)
Let's see if I find a squash-partner this week.
My colleague promised to bring his indoor sport shoes. That might be a willing squasher...
I want to try the "Kaiser Center" near by.
It is said to be a big and good sports center with nice courts.
I'll keep you updated.
Gee, Time flies when you're busy. And I was busy the last days, which is why I did not post any news...
Anyhow. Tomorrow is "Vatertag" and that is a public holliday in Germany. And as this is a thursday, I took friday off too.
That gives me 4 days quality time with my family and friends.